Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome to a summary of the week – a busy one, as ever, after the holiday!


Year 11 mock exams

Next week, Year 11 pupils begin their mock exams.

It is very important that other year groups respect this and use a different route, rather than going straight through the Hall as normal.

I would be grateful for pupils also keeping the noise to a minimum around the site during lesson times to support Year 11 pupils.


Summer showcase

I am sorry about the delay on this but we have now separated and edited the summer showcase videos. These will be posted and links sent to relevant parents in the next couple of days.


Events this week

Well done to all pupils this week who have taken part in a number of important events including:


Events next week

Both of these take place on Thursday 10 November


Finally, please encourage pupils to be in school every day – Mr McConnell is running a fabulous Attendance Raffle that we hope will encourage pupils also!


Have a great weekend


John Cornish
