Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome to a round up of this week and a look ahead to the next
This week
- Awards Evening. Thank you to everyone who attended our Awards and Achievment Evening this week. It was great to be able to celebrate with pupils and parents / carers. There are pictures on our social media feeds and we will process individual pictures of pupils before the end of term. Next year’s plans are already looking good and we will send a save the date soon.
- Year 10 Mocks. Feedback from the invigilators has been very positive; well done, Year 10. I know that exams can feel overwhelming for some pupils so it’s important that everyone follows all of the JCQ guidance for the mocks; this is what will be in place for the Year 11 mocks and the final GCSEs
- Boleh Sailing. Pupils in Year 10 had fantastic weather for a couple of days sailing on the 40ft Boleh Yacht, crafted by Malay shipwrights after World War 2
- Windsurfing. Thank you Miss Dewey for taking our Active Club to the next session at the OTC. Well done to everyone involved!
- Paris Visit. This is going really well at the moment. I have in constant communication with staff running this visit and although I understand that the recent unrest in parts of France may be a cause for concern, our visit is going ahead unaffected. Pupils are having a great time and will be at EuroDisney tomorrow.
Coming up
It is a very busy time ahead! Please check the dates below for those that apply to you and your child
Monday 3 July
- Year 10 Careers College (letter on website)
Tuesday 4 July
- Year 6 Transition Day
Wednesday 5 July
- Industrial Action Day (letter on website) – Year 10 & Year 9 IN SCHOOL; Year 7 & 8 Working Remotely
- Year 7 Rewards Visit (letter on website)
Thursday 6 July
- Year 11 Prom @ Weymouth Pavilion
Friday 7 July
- Sport day SETUP (the actual Sports Day is on Monday!)
Monday 10 July
- Sports Day; Year 10 @ Dorset Waterpark
Tuesday 11 July
- Year 7 visit to Salisbury Catherdral
- Year 8 Rewards Visit – Legoland
- Year 9 Rewards Visit – Thorpe Park
Wednesday 12 July
- Borneo World Challenge leaves
Thursday 13 July
- Safer Schools and Communities Officer, Stuart Hann, visiting pupils
Friday 14 July
- Year 10 Rewards Visit – Thorpe Park
In the last week of term we then have our Pilgrimage in association with the Diocese of Salisbury and our PGL visit.
We will have an earlier finish on the last day of term; I will write formally next week
As you can see there are a number of events and visits taking place that are of a really high quality. Please encourage children to engage positively and behave impeccably if they are involved with any of the above!
Wishing you a very peaceful and restful weekend
Best wishes
John Cornish