Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome to a short round up of this week. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the slightly lighter mornings and evenings – spring is on its way!


Year 11

Well done to Year 11 pupils for your efforts throughout the second mock session this week and last week – all of the invigilators have complimented pupils on their efforts.

There are some further exams to complete but these will be in lesson time in order to fit with the completion of the course. In particular, please be aware that there will be exams in Science during the week beginning 13 March with Biology on Monday, Chemistry on Tuesday and Physics on Wednesday

Next week we will write with details of our Easter Revision Programme. Staff are looking forward to supporting this and will offer a range of sessions for pupils to attend. This will take place in the first week of the Easter break from Monday to Thursday with the second week clear for pupil’s own revision and preparation.

Remember that ongoing revisions sessions are available every week:


Events this week

There have been a number of other events taking place this week, details of which are on our website and social media sites. In particular:


Upcoming events

A really important event for Year 10 Parents and Carers is the Year 10 Parent Consultation Evening  which is taking place on Thursday 9 March online. Please sign up using the details in the letter on our website.

Other upcoming events include:


Year 9 Options

Thank you to all pupils who have completed the form regarding the route they wish to take regarding RE. If pupils have not yet completed this, please ask them to log into their Office 365 School Account and complete the form available here:



Thank you for ongoing support in all of the matters above and, of course, with all of the other events, opportunities and – of course – day to day lessons that are ongoing. Have a great weekend


Kind Regards

John Cornish
