Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome to a brief update of the week
This week:
A number of key events have taken place:
- Legally Blonde Jr has been a fantastic success! THANK YOU to all of the cast and crew and in particular to Mr Lee and Mrs Rees for your creative leadership. Photos and a recording of the show will be available next week with further details to follow
- Year 8 Sports Teams have been in particular focus this week with a football and basketball match – well done to everyone involved
- Year 11 pupils are nearing the end of their course in practical subjects – well done to everyone who has completed Art & D&T practical pieces
You will have also seen my letter about the sad news that has affected the local community this week. We have supported pupils sensitively this week and the approach will continue next week.
Please do make sure to read the letter on our website and contact us if your child needs additional support.
Coming up:
- Next week, the Year 11 Art Exams take place on Mon & Tues (Block Y) and Weds & Thurs (Block Z). Pupils must be prepared mentally for this as well as practically with clear water bottles, no watches / phones etc…
- We also have Year 10 pupils taking part in the Mock Interviews. This is an important part of their Careers Programme and I am very grateful to all parents who are supporting in their remit as an employer or professional. Parents – please make sure that pupils are smartly dressed in business wear ideally or uniform if not.
- The Year 8 Parent Consultation Evening is on 27th April. Bookings will open on 18th April at 6pm with a letter coming out with the links next week.
- After Easter, Year 7 & 8 pupils will be taking part in a number of projects with guest speakers / companies to understand more about what it means to attend a church school. These are Project Touchline and GSUS live, both of which will take place in Term 5 – a letter will follow next week.
Other matters:
I have been notified of a number of low level incidents in the community which involve pupils engaging in anti social behaviour. It is important that we maintain good relations with our neighbours, so I’d be grateful for you supporting this at home. Please also refer any problems direct to the school rather than informal systems (e.g. social media) – this means we can get things resolved as quickly as possible. Please ask your children to go straight home at the end of the day and not loiter in large groups.
Finally, please note that next week, we will finish at the normal time of 3pm on the last day of term.
Thank you for your support and good wishes this week
Kind Regards
John Cornish