Dear Parents and Carers

Please take a moment to read my usual weekly update. It has been a very busy time with some incredible events happening!

Ofsted Report

Firstly, please can I ask all parents and carers to read my letter about the recently released Ofsted Report and the Report itself.

Next week, the report will be made public on the Ofsted website.

As I have explained in my letter, all staff are fully committed to continuing to improve the quality of education that pupils receive at All Saints and we are grateful for your positive support in every way.

Sporting Fixtures

The PE Department and pupils have been very busy recently! There are write ups on our social media feed with recent fixtures for:

WOEC & JET Programme

We are always looking to develop resilience and leadership in our pupils and it has been good to see pupils doing this at Weymouth Outdoor Education Centre and with The John Egging Trust this week. Well done to all of those involved!

Bournemouth University Visit

A coachload of pupils took part in a visit to Bournemouth University this week to have a taste of life after school. By chance, I met up this week with a former pupil who, now in Year 13, is about to embark on her degree in Bristol. Whilst recognising that University is not for everyone, I would really want to encourage pupils to think and dream big in this regard. Living away from home whilst pursuing a subject of choice is a fantastic introduction to adult life.


In other matters this week, please can I remind all parents and carers:


Next week and beyond there are many key dates:


These are the key headlines, but there is, as ever, much more going on as well


Thank you for the messages that I have been sent regarding the inspection. Please continue to send these in – they encourage staff and pupils greatly.


Best wishes

John Cornish
