Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome to a short round up of key events at All Saints.
I must say that punctuality to lessons this week has been very good and so I am asking parents to check in with your children to make sure they are part of this and that they receive a “well done” wherever possible at home also.
This Week
- Year 11 have made a great start to the mocks. Please keep this up next week. It’s important that Year 11 pupils make the most of the weekend to continue the revision and really push on in the sessions next week. If you child has missed exams, please contact our exams officer Mrs Pering at [email protected] for further support. There will be catch up sessions in the later part of next week
- We have sent home a number of important Safeguarding messages this week. Pupils have had input from Mrs Jeanes regarding Online Safety, a really critical part of life as a child and young person in twenty first century Britain. Also, information has been sent regarding Rail Safety. Key links are below for your reference. Please do take a moment to read them
- There was a lovely Bake Sale this afternoon by pupils who will be taking part in World Challenge next year – well done. We have also had further ideas from pupils for more fund raising ideas including a teacher and parent quiz, so please do keep an eye if you are able to support in the next couple of months
- It has been great to welcome back Mrs Rees to the Drama Department and your may have seen the flyer on social media for Musical Movie Mondays. I know that rehearsals are ongoing for Mary Poppins Jnr and am looking forward to seeing the results next year!
Events Coming Up
It is a slightly quieter next week in terms of additional events since I am asking teachers to focus on marking Year 11 mock papers quickly to support pupils. Nevertheless, coming up we have the following that parents / carers should be aware of:
- 17 November: Year 10 Police led assembly “Operation Sceptre” (giving education about the dangers of knife crime)
- 22 November: Year 10 Assembly with the RAF
- 23 November: Year 9 Assembly with Weymouth College
- 23 November: Women In Black Theatre Visit
- 24 November: School Council Meeting
- 30 November: Year 7 Parent Consultation Evening. The letter with details is here:
Beyond that, please remember that school is closed to pupils on Friday 1 December for an INSET day.
Wishing you and your family a very restful weekend and I look forward to seeing pupils next week.
Kindest Regards
John Cornish