Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome to my usual summary of the week. Christmas is now well and truly behind us and although the leisurely pace of the holiday season is to be missed, it has been good to see pupils settle back into school life and pick up with their routines
Extra Curricular Sports: Year 7 Hockey
I’d like to start with a huge “well done” to our Year 7 Hockey Team who played a great game in very cold conditions at Budmouth this week. Mrs Dewey reported that everyone gave 100% with some great contributions to a team performance. This was made even sweeter with a narrow 1-0 win. Well done, Imogen, who was player of the match
It’s always heartening to receive reports of games such as the above and I am delighted with how many pupils represent the school in a number of sports.
Ski Trip
Thank you to everyone who attended the Ski Trip meeting with Miss Cousens this week. This promises, as ever, to be a great visit. As we head into the final stages of planning, please contact [email protected] for any and all details / queries.
Important Letters
There have been a number of important letters shared this week for different year groups and different events.
Please click on the links below for the letter(s) for your child’s year group:
It’s important that Year 10 pupils really spend some time thinking about what they would like to do for their Work Experience in the Summer. There is lots of support and choice available but leaving things until later on usually causes problems. The best thing, therefore, is to begin the planning early. Miss Bligh leads on this in school and is the first point of contact for pupils and parents who need any support.
These are upcoming for Year 10 and are an important first step for GCSE exam practice. Pupils should make sure to talk with their class teachers in the first instance to be clear about the contents of their tests and undertake suitable revision.
Year 7 have recently had KOOTH come in to school to deliver an assembly. KOOTH is an organisation that supports many young people in the UK. It is web based and any pupil can access it by sigining up here Home – Kooth.
If your child is studying Food and Nutrition, please make sure to read this letter that sets out the support from Mrs Allen for this subject.
Coming up
Next week there is a Key Stage 4 (Year 10 & Year 11) visit to Bournemouth University on Monday for which pupils have signed up and also a school council meeting.
Also, we have a group of Year 8 pupils starting a project with the John Egging Trust to develop resilience, teamwork and leadership skills.
I also anticipate receiving the report from our Ofsted Inspection prior to Christmas and will, of course, share this with parents when I have the document.
Wishing you all a restful weekend and looking forward to seeing pupils next week
Kind Regards
John Cornish