Dear Parents and Carers

Apologies for a slightly later than usual message this week – it has been a busy one as ever.


Pupil WC facilities

I have met with Year 7, 8, 9 & 10 girls in assemblies this week because I am concerned that there has been ongoing damage caused to the female toilets. In particular, this includes:

I would be very grateful for all parents talking to their children to support the message that the facilities must be treated with respect. I have been very clear with pupils that I am sure that the problems are being caused by a very small minority of children. The impact, however, is significant, so this behaviour does need to stop immediately.

This week

On a more positive note, there have been, as ever, so many positive events this week. In particular:

Thank you also to Year 10 Parents and Carers for our best attended Parent Consultation Evening this week

Next week

Again, there is much to look forward to:

Please also remember that next week, Wednesday and Thursday will be affected by NEU Industrial Action and we will therefore be open as per my previous letter on the website

Year 11 Pupils – please remember that you have Science Mocks next week

Looking further ahead

With 3 weeks left until the end of term, please also remember that we have our show Legally Blonde Jr on 22, 23, 24 March

There will also be the usual end of term celebration assemblies in the last week and we will also be wishing our Germany Rhineland trip farewell over the first week of the holiday

Year 11 will have a Revision Programme in the first four days of the Easter Holidays – details to follow next week


Thank you, parents and carers, for your support


With every blessing for a restful weekend


John Cornish
